3 January 2016

New Year's Resolutions

Nakon završene proslave i dočeka nove 2016. godine, vrijeme je da se osvrnemo na sve uspjehe i neuspjehe u prošloj godini, ali još bitnije od toga je da donesemo nove ciljeve.

(After celebration and welcome the new year 2016, it is time to look at all the successes and failures in the past year, but more important is that we bring the new goals,)

Dok sam provodila vrijeme na blogu naišla sam na jedan odličan post od Life With Me, Marianna Elizabeth. (http://lifewithme.com/)
(While I spent time on the blog I came across another great post from Life With Me, Marianna Elizabeth. (http://lifewithme.com/))

Marianna Elizabeth: "I hope these three worksheets help you not only in the new year, but in your everyday life. Wishing you a very happy 2016."

U tom postu je objavila tri različite stranice pomoću kojih ćemo uspješno razraditi nove ciljeve i odluke. 

(In this post she published three different pages which we will successfully develop new goals and decisions.)

PRVA STRANICA: Na ovoj stranici popunjavamo koji problem imamo, što je njegovo rješenje te koje akcije moramo poduzeti da bi ga uklonili. 

(FIRST PAGE: On this page we fill witch problem we have, what is it solution, and witch action we must take to remove it.)

DRUGA STRANICA: Na ovoj stranici  imamo 2 stupca. U jedan upisujemo što bismo trebali manje raditi, a u drugi ono što bismo trebali više raditi.

(SECOND PAGE: On this page we have 2 columns. In one we write what we should do less, while in another we write what we should do more.)

TREĆA STRANICA: Ova stranica je namijenjena jednom većem cilju koji zahtijeva detaljnu razradu. To je predviđeno u 10 koraka. Počevši od prvog koji će nas dovesti do cilja, tj desetoga koraka.

(THIRD PAGE: This page is for a greater purpose, which requires a detailed breakdown. It is provided in 10 steps. Beginning with the first that will lead us to the goal, that is the tenth step.)

Ja sam svoje isprintala te se bacam na posao popunjavanja!
(I printed out mine and I am getting to work filling!)

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