23 November 2015

Ready for winter! (part two)

Druga stvar koja je pod "must have" za nadolazeće zimske dane je šal. 
Šal uvijek koristim preko zime, jer mislim da bi se u protivnom odmah prehladila. 
Za ovu jesen/zimu kupila sam si Burberry London šal.
(The second "must have" thing for incoming winter days is a scarf. I use it always during the winter because otherwise I could get cold. For this autumn/winter I bought Burberry London scarf.)

Jako sam sretna i zadovoljna s njime jer je odlične kvalitete i grije. Nosim ga skoro svaki dan i preodličan je. :D
(I am very happy and pleased because it is good quality and warm. I wear it almost every day. :D)

Ovdje sam bila kod prijateljice na 18-om rođendanu. Pošto se približava božično vrijeme, sobu je već okitila lampicama *.*
(Here I was at my friend's 18th birtday. Since the Christmas days are coming, she has already decorated her room with lights *.*)

Burberry šal (scarf): www.mojekrpice.hr

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